What happens when you eat too much salt?

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What happens when you eat too much salt? The human body needs salt, but there are limits.

Salt is usually used as a flavor enhancer in food. It is also used in food preservation. Because bacteria cannot live there if there is salt.But nutritionists say there are some downsides to eating too much salt. Because one of the ingredients of salt is sodium. Which increases the risk of various diseases if taken in excess.The salt we eat as table salt is basically sodium chloride. It contains 40 percent sodium and the remaining 60 percent chloride. Most of our sodium intake comes from table salt.According to the World Health Organization, almost everyone in the world consumes more sodium than they need. An adult consumes about 4310 mg of sodium per day. Which is almost twice the level set by WHO.

The agency’s recommended sodium intake is less than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day, which is about 5 grams of salt.

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